Lately I've been so is crazy and I decided to do a weekend art show. Well, needless to say...the middle of August is not the best time to try it out! Wow was it hot! But I did have a lot of fun. My daughter Emily went with me...and helped me soooooo much.
This was our first attempt at a "show". It was free....and thanks to the people at the Nav A Gator Bar and Grill in Arcadia for hosting it on Marina Day. I met some really nice folks and even sold enough jewelry to pay for lunch and drinks.
The crowd was there for another purpose...lunch and beer....and so were not really in the "buying" mood, but all in all for me it was a good experience. I learned some things and got some other good it was a positive time.
I hope that the people at the Nav A Gator are doing well...especially Jerry...who took a tumble off the dunking booth and made me work like a nurse at the end of the day. Hope you are doing well Jerry....I was quite worried about you, but got a report the next day that you are getting out of the hospital. Please...if you or someone you know reads this....let me know how you are doing!!!! may be wondering what I caught while I was fishing...well, I wassn't really fishing, but since we were spending the day by the Peace River, I decided last minute to cook up some fish and bring them they are...hope you like them. The other pics are of my daughter, my booth and the famous or should I say infamous...dunking booth!
Oh...and one more thing....thanks to April....our server...who kept us happy and hydrated all day! You are the best....the only server I saw that took a turn in the dunking booth. And thanks to Josh...for being so nice and to the owner for allowing us to peddle our wares for a day! We definately will stop by the Nav A Gator whenever we are in the area and enjoy a cold one!